NomSafeNovember: Repashy Grub Pie

In today’s installment of #NomSafeNovember, we’ll be talking about a great, nutrient packed food called Repashy Grub Pie!

Repashy Grub Pie is a nutrient powder you can find in the reptile section of most pet stores, as well as from online retailers like Chewy and Amazon (though we recommend purchasing it in your local fish or reptile store, rather than from a big box chain or online retailer, because it’s important to support local independent pet stores, many of which are struggling to compete with big chains). The powder is mixed with boiling water to create a “Jell-O”-like consistency. Grub pie is a great food source for axolotls because it’s loaded with nutrients (minerals, vitamins, and proteins) that can support your axolotl in various ways.

What is the nutritional breakdown of Repashy?

Repashy Grub Pie is full of great nutrients, and is a well-balanced food option, as you can see from its nutritional breakdown:

  • 38.0% crude protein

  • 10.0% crude fat

  • 1.2% crude fiber

  • 8.0% moisture

  • 12% ash

  • 1.4% calcium

How do I prepare the Repashy?

There are some options; a Jell-O like consistency (most common), a slurry, or a paste. For the gelatinous version, you’ll add powder to boiling water (in a ratio of 1 part powder 2-3 parts boiling water) and mix well. The gel will set at room temperature, and can be cut into pieces or strips.

The gel should be treated as fresh food, and can be stored in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. You can get fun little molds for the gelatinous version (you can even find worm-shaped molds)! For the slurry, add more portions of boiling water to achieve a liquidy substance (this is best syringe-fed in a tub, not in your axolotl’s tank). For the paste, add less water. A spoon can be used to scoop out pellet sized chunks.

When would I want to use Repashy?

It can be used to supplement whenever! It can be used to add variety to an axolotl’s diet, or it can be used more frequently to help with weight gain. It can be quite messy, so some people prefer it as a tub food as opposed to a tank food (a gelatinous version may work best for a tank setting).


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